Corporate (Website Designing)
Rs.60,000 Rs.50,000
Greenweber Corporate Website HTML Responsive Bootstrap templates for your online multipurpose solutions.
Corporate (Website Designing) Plan
Professional Web Design:25 Upto Pages
- Domain*: One Year*
- Web Hosting Free: One Year
- Mobile - Fully Responsive: Yes
- Add-Ons Pages:- Yes (Chargeble)
- Custom 404 Error Page: Yes
- Logo Design: Yes
- Search Engine: Friendly URLS
- Source Ordered, Highly:Optimized For SEO
- HTML Code: Cleanup & Optimization
- Internal link structuring and optimization: Yes
- Robots.txt:Yes
- HTML Site Map: Yes
- XML Sitemap: Creation & Submission
- Email Support & Help Centre: 12 Months
- Enquiry Form: 4
- Web Maintaince: 12 Months
- Listing on Online Directories:Yes
- TimeLine: One Month
- Monthly Traffic Reports: Google Analytics Integration
- Google Analytics Setup & Integration: Yes
- google Webmaster Setup: Yes
- HTML 5 and CSS3: Yes
- Layout:3 Design
- Favicon, IOS, Android and Windows 8 icon customisation:Yes
- Social Media Integration: Facebook, Twitter etc. ( The business pages are to be created and managed by the customer)
- Search Engine Submissions:Yes
- You Tube Integration:Yes
- Breadcrumbs:Yes
- Uses Google Maps: Contact Page
- Google Map Integration:Yes
- Dynamic Elements:Yes
- Testimonials: Scrollable
- Slideshows & Galleries: yes
- Business Email Id: Yes
- Retina Ready, Ultra-High Resolution Graphics:Yes
- Browser Compatability: Yes (IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, iPhone/iPad, Android and Blackberry