Enterprise (Social Media Marketing) SMO Plan
Rs.28,000 Rs.23,000
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has beenin the stand ard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrames bled it make a type specimen book.
Enterprise (Social Marketing) Plan
Social Account Setup:Yes
- Business Page Optimization: Yes
- Social Media Strategy: Yes
- Content Creation: Yes
- Account Management: Yes
- Social Media Competitor Analysis: Yes
- Spam / Comments monitoring: Yes
- Monthly Progress report: Yes
- Daily Updates and Interactions: Yes
- Social Media Postings Per Week (per network): 5
- Content (Text, Image and/or Video) Posting: Yes
- Blog Article Writing – (mininum 500 words): Yes
- Monthly Client Conference: Yes
- Social Bookmarking: Yes